In today's consumer oriented society
a company with poor customer service wont last very long.
Yet, there is so much of it out there.
Take for instance AT&T, after my fifth attempt at closing my
account with them, I was redirected through 8 countries
and sent through nearly 10 different people... It was like
playing where in the world is Carmen Sandiego, except for
my prize was being able to talk to Zed and Jane and plenty of
other clueless and incapable employees.
What's going on here? Is AT&T trying to make their customer
service extremely unintelligible and god awful?
Notice I was calling to cancel... not renew or upgrade my services.
But Alas, companies like this should be cast into the fiery pits of
mount doom, and geuss what that translates to in the year 2009?
Blogging... yes yes, it's true, now you know how bad their service is,
and it can only spread further.
The internet is the best way to get back at a poor company,
next time your making a company
consider the attitude... Would you like fries with that?
It's also just a funny thing to say when someone asks you to do something
try it!