Thursday, February 26, 2009

Changing 1:1 to 1:100

When you work for an hour, you get an hour's pay... right? The pay-off is 1:1, you put in an hour and get $10 or maybe $100, and it's simple and you go home at the end of a long night and wake up in the morning to do it again.

But let's tip the scale. If I am a teacher and instead of teaching for one hour, I make a dvd for one hour and sell that DVD on line. I could possibly put 1 hour of work, and get paid 100 times, imagining 100 people buy it. 

Which balance seems best to you?

Move slow

How does someone forgive?

move slow, it takes time. 

I had a terrible experience last night, There was a guy who was sitting across from me and some friends at a bar. I happened to stumble into a debate with him. I was talking about how I want to be an entrepreneur and make my own living. And he was disagreeing, saying I was overly idealistic. The problem wasn't what he was saying... I've heard it all before, It was how he was saying it. He was consistantly be-littling me, taking my ideas and throwing them back in my face. His face was getting red with anger and he was just constantly disagreeing. There was no listening going on in his corner of the table. I eventually decided, this isn't going anywhere, and so I said, "we're just disagreeing, I am going to leave now." and his response was to call me a dick and an asshole just because I wouldn't sit there and take his abuse. 

I left with good composure that night, but the negativity stayed with me. I have had maybe one or two experiences like this recently and I am shocked there can be people this mentally fucked up, so willing to just attack another person. I felt drained all day, I felt angry, like there was a black hole in my chest sucking my energy out from my inside. I have looked into some EFT, emotional freeing techniques, and their lesson is forgive, or it will haunt you.

I agree. But forgiveness is a process, not a thought. 
move slow,
I will heal in due time. 

Oh by the way people will try and drag you down. Take this guy for example, he has never tried to be an entrepreneur, and yet... he could criticise me till the sun came up about how it wouldn't work... what can say but don't let people imprisoned in their own doubt drag you down.

move slow

Why I passed the certification!

I recently passed a Logic Pro certification, 
a fairly difficult test that complicated the very essence of a software program. 
Many can use the program, yet so few pass the test... Why?
It's because if the test we're easy then everyone would be certified, and being
certified would be useless...

So why did I pass the test when others in my class who had done better on previous 
tests did not?

Because I affirmed the belief in my mind that I would pass.
I told myself, I am going to pass, I am going to pass.

After telling myself I implanted the seed of success into my subconscious.
and the rest was a piece of cake...

how are you programming your mind?

The Sub-conscious

The Sub-Conscious, the under conscious part of us, which is actually quite conscious, we are the only ones who are unconscious of it, plays a huge role in who we are. 
Not only is our subconscious our dreams, but it is a huge part of our self esteem and our hidden identities. 

When you say something like, I don't want to smoke, or don't smoke. 
Your subconscious hears, smoke, smoke. 
Essentially your subconscious doesn't understand negatives. So instead I'm re-framing
how I say things, instead of I don't want to smoke cigarettes I will say:
I want to be clear
or sober
or clean 
or have fresh lungs
or free
or soft broccolli lungs
or pink fleshy insides
or I want relief

All of these things are clear indications of healthy living, and they all are independent of any negative sub-conscious flagging. It's a challenge to learn new ways of thinking, but I am confident this one just might pay off.