Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mark Your Territory! OR ELSE

What's your territory>? Is it your house? Is it your room? 

Essentially Your territory is going to be the space you feel most comfortable in. 

Now let's get on to marking it, 
Start by placing things of value in your space, it could be comfortable pillows, cool art
anything that lifts you up and re-affirms the parts of you that you want to keep. 


this is the biggest one, if someone comes into your space and does something you
do not vibe with, try this, "wait, why don't you stop... I think its best if you leave now, You see I just don't like it when people do _____ (negative behavior) in my space, Just leave and we can pick this up at another time."

Done and done, 

Nurture the inner Creature

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