Wednesday, April 22, 2009

BOREDOM - Anger + Impatience

Boredom, its universal, we all feel it from time to time. But maybe we feel more than we think.
Its most likely your bored... your probably bored right now. A-lot of people wake up bored, and go to sleep bored, they live their lives in a state of planned and predictable boredom. 

Thats why Unpredictability is king. Break free from bored by doing something different, unexpected and down right fun. I decided to skateboard the other day... something I haven't done for years. I fell once or twice but I scraped myself back up and left buzzing with a new love for skating. 

There's more to life than work, exercise, food, bills. 
No wonder we're bored... we've been duped into thinking the necessities are all there is.

And that's just it, the necessities are necessary, necessary for the cream of the cream in life. 
Go out try it, do something wild, you'll be glad you left your dark cave once, and you might even do it again. 

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