Friday, December 26, 2008

Bauhaus is my eternal friend

Why do I love this seattle based cafe so much? Maybe because the elite and stylish frequently congregate here, maybe because there's enough power outlets to serve any function you need, maybe because Radiohead -"Packt like sardines in a crushd tin box" off their stunning album Amnesiac, is playing in the background. 

Whether you're looking to relax, or trying to meet up with friends... Bauhaus will always come across as a stunning and intriguing place to be. There's a kingly view of the city hugging a view of the space needle. There's a wall of books, and great outdoor seating, with cast iron and welded seats, when the weather permits.

Oh and did I mention the coffee is excellent?
all of these reasons lead me to the conclusion, 
fuck Starbucks coffee, and....
Long live independent coffee! 

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